Starlight Investigations
Starlight Investigations are a team of highly experienced, professional private investigators, with offices based in Hatton Garden, London. We are focused on helping you attain the information you need, and draw from a wealth of experience in the private investigations field. At Starlight Investigations, our exceptionally skilled and qualified staff specialise in civil, financial and commercial cases. Promoting a professional and scrupulous attitude at all times, we are prepared to take on any task, no matter the challenge.
We are established in the South-East of England, with a wealth of experience of operating in London and Essex, where our private investigators have developed expert knowledge of local areas. This allows us to operate quickly and effectively in comparison to ‘nationwide’ or ‘outsider’ private investigation agencies. Additionally, our local knowledge and UK base aids speedy and effective communication, meaning we can deal with your case as quickly as possible. Finally, Starlight Investigations have a track record for discretion and integrity; the security and success of your case is our priority.
Our Services
Starlight Investigations

Client Testimonials
I felt really bad, but it had to be done. My employee was taking an abnormal amount of time off sick, but she couldn’t provide me with a sick note from her GP. When I broached the subject of a staged return to work, she stopped taking my calls altogether. I contacted Starlight Investigations’ employee investigations team, and I’ve never looked back. Had the excuses been legitimate, it would have been an easy job. As it was, my employee investigations representative worked very hard to secure the information I needed to bring my employee’s lies to light. With the whole escapade behind me, I’ve hired a really reliable and professional person in her place. I couldn’t be happier.
Have you ever really wanted to prove that someone’s been lying to you? TV shows always make it seem so easy. Characters just whip out a lie detector and, hey presto! The fib is uncovered. When our unreliable housemate broke the boiler, our landlord held us all accountable just because we couldn’t prove it was him. It was a costly mistake and my friends and I were desperate for the real culprit to take responsibility. So, we made like an episode of The Bill and hired Starlight Investigations and their amazing lie detector! The real offender – Howard, from upstairs – was quickly found out and presented to our landlord with the lie detector results in hand. Now I can spend my money on a trip abroad, no boiler required!
As a small business owner, I’m the first to admit lack of payment from a client can seriously rock the boat of my cash flow. On the other hand, debtor tracing and pestering those who owe me to cough up can be so time-consuming! I used to wonder whether I was better off letting unruly debtors go and focusing my time on new clients… It was only when the situation got out of hand that I sought out Starlight Investigations and their debtor tracing team. I wish I’d done it sooner. Sternly dedicated to my cause, and motivated to move beyond partial payments and towards a final payout; they’ve really saved me a lot of time, and have helped to ensure all of my fees are now paid without hassle. That means I can focus on the important things, like running my business!
Anyone who runs a business that’s reliant on its own transport will tell you how easy it is for an employee to bunk off work. We had one driver who used to take two hours doing a ten minute trip! He always blamed the traffic whenever he was approached about it. It wasn’t until I got in touch with Starlight Investigations and hired them to implement some vehicle tracking devices that I really got in control of the situation. With their help, vehicle tracking is totally inconspicuous. They don’t interfere with the day to day running of my business at all. Having said that, if an employee should start taking his own sweet time to get to a job; now I can retrieve the vehicle tracking device, download the previous day’s schedule, and work out if he’s spent a few hours down the pub!
My teenage daughter’s always been a bit of a tearaway, but when she started taking off in the middle of the night in my brand new car, it really took the biscuit. News quickly filtered through that she was up to no good. I wouldn’t have had a clue where she was going had it not been for Starlight Investigations. They discreetly installed a vehicle tracking device behind my new set of wheels, and used the latest technology for little cost. When they retrieved the vehicle tracking device from my car the next day, I knew she’d been out visiting a group of wayward friends. It was something she’d promised not to do. We’ve had a chat about it and everything’s okay again now, but the situation could have quickly escalated if it weren’t for Starlight Investigations and their vehicle tracking expertise! They’re our saviours.
When one of my tenants unexpectedly moved out of my property without paying his outstanding debts, I thought there was no chance I’d ever track him down. Missing persons cases are a landlord’s nightmare… I found myself lumbered with overdue utility bills, no notice period covered, and multiple damages to the property – the whole shebang! Thanks to Starlight Investigations and their excellent missing persons department, I tracked the tenant down and later received full compensation in the Small Claims Court. Their highly professional attitude and determination to pull out all the stops meant I could sleep easy. After all, I was safe in the knowledge my missing persons case was being given the due care and attention it deserved.
There I was, left gawping over a massive dent in my rear bumper and whiplash to boot. That car accident forced me to take two weeks unpaid leave from work, and I spent what little savings I had fixing my bumper. When I realised the other driver had gotten away scot free and without even stopping, I thought I’d seen my chances of compensation go up in the smoke from his car exhaust. Fortunately, accident investigations come cheap and easy when you’ve got Starlight Investigations on your side. They even specialise in road traffic accidents, and were absolutely meticulous in detailing the collision. After that, their accident investigations team pulled out all the stops to find the offending driver, which – I’m glad to say – they did very quickly. I’d recommend them to anyone.
It’s not exactly an easy occupation, process serving. In the case of serving bankruptcy papers, I mean quite literally! As a lender, all too often I see small business owners bite off more than they can chew, and then disappear from sight. Or at least, they attempt to. Starlight Investigations and their process serving team make the whole business of serving bankruptcy papers easy. They carefully follow the Solvency Act and provide a valid Certificate of Service, bringing my badly behaved clients to account with the upmost efficiency. I’m very grateful for their service.
My husband hadn’t been acting right for months. I’d tried to talk to him about it, but I just knew he wasn’t telling me the truth. In the end I bit the bullet and hired Starlight Investigations for surveillance. They quickly uncovered his vice: he was seeing another woman. Of course until I knew for sure, I was worried it was all in my head and I’d be found out. My concerns were unfounded. Starlight Investigations use discreet surveillance measures and act in confidentiality, often working with professionals with a background in military and security services. For me, they really were the shining light at the end of a horribly dark tunnel.
Highly Professional
Following a rigorous code of conduct, our investigators operate with complete discretion and integrity, and will tackle your case with a professional attitude, utilising their individual knowledge and experience to attain your satisfaction.
We guarantee you that your needs will be met, no matter the difficulty. Through attention to detail, developing alternate strategies and perseverance, we promise that even the most difficult cases will be resolved
Swift and Effective
Our expert knowledge of local areas, legal standards and the most advanced, cutting edge technology and techniques allows us to conclude your case quickly, and provide you with the information that you require.
Proven Track Record
The Starlight Investigation is associated with several investigative organizations and associations so that we can provide you with top quality services across the nation.